Milspo Project has brought together motivated, forward-thinking individuals from all corners of the earth. The common denominator? We all married into this ‘dependent’ title. Beyond that misleading label, we are wildly unique individuals who are thriving in our own one-of-a-kind military adventures.
For me, Milspo Project has become my constant, my rock. Moving frequently always leaves me searching for permanency within a community. I have come to love Milspo Project members as my own family.
As we all work to succeed on in our own individual passions and careers, Milspo Project helps us to become the best versions of ourselves. My fellow Milspos help me celebrate my successes, pick me up during my sorrows, and hold me accountable for my own dreams.
So, what makes Milspo Project my people? We all genuinely care for the well-being of others in our tribe. It is up to you to decide how much you grow throughout of this military lifestyle. Are you in?
Lauren Hope
Designer & Owner
Hope Design Ltd.
Support the Milspo Project, a non-profit that I passionately support.
Support Legacy Magazine, a military spouse-run publication that I adore.
Photo by Rita Jana Photography
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